Six More Weeks of Winter

groundhogThanks Punxsutawney Phil!
You heard right, folks, six more weeks of winter is at our door step. Guess what? This makes me happy.
There is nothing like the cozy feeling you get when you curl up on the couch with a good book or to catch up on your shows with the fire going. Next to a fire is the best place to be during the winter months. The sight, the sound, the smell, the relaxation, everything about it makes me want to pull my family close. There is something mesmerizing about a flickering flame.
Studies have shown that sitting next to a fire causes our blood pressure to drop which leaves us feeling more at ease. So, light that fire, sit back, and enjoy the next six weeks of winter!! I know I will!
“A house is no home unless it contains food and fire for the mind, as well as for the body.” – Margaret Fuller
